
Rural Full Day - Culture and Tradition

The plan includes:

*Internal Ground Transfers.

*Tickets and Aerial Tour in Transmicable.

*City Tour and Historical Review in the Pasquilla Village.

*Delicious breakfast and rural lunch.

*Amasijos workshop, elaboration of the envuetlos tres puntas (Snack).

*Guided tour with local interpreters.

*Peasant dances cultural show

*Admission and hike to Eco Peña Blanca trail: landscape, the sound of water, and nature.

*Live the peasant experience and integration (typical costume).

Countryside and Ancestral Full Day


Minimum group of 4 people, price per person 95.000 COP
*Departure dates: March 25th and 26th, April 1st and 2nd, Holy Week, and from then on Saturdays and Sundays during the years 2023 and 2024.

El Ensueño Theater

In the south of Bogotá, exactly in the town of Ciudad Bolívar, artistic manifestations, creativity and memory have a place in the Teatro El Ensueño.

Inaugurated in April 2021, the theater has managed to become a symbol of the town, on par with the House of Culture, El Transmicable and El Mirador Illimani. In addition, it has been articulated with cultural spaces in neighboring towns such as Tunjuelito, Bosa and Usme, with the interest of promoting the artistic and cultural exchange of the communities.

Antonio Nariño

The town Antonio Nariño bears his name in honor of the hero of the independence of Colombia. It is located to the south of the city and is number 15 of the Capital District. There is the traditional Restrepo neighborhood, the epicenter of leather goods and footwear in the country's capital.

El Tunal Metropolitan Park

El Tunal Metropolitan Park is in the Tunjuelito locality, in the southeast of Bogotá, very close to the Transmilenio transport public system's Tunal Portal. It’s located on Calle 48 South and Boyacá Avenue, between Mariscal Sucre Avenue and Villavicencio Avenue. Its opening hours are from 5:30 am to 6:00 pm.

20 de Julio District Market Place

There the concept of rurality gains strength with the “peasant market”, a space dedicated to exalting the work of the countryside through the commercialization of dairy products, eggs, native tubers and traditional preparations typical of the rural area of ​​Bogotá and the region.

In the Plaza del 20 de Julio you can discover a complete gastronomic offer, vegetables, different types of meat and flavors of exotic fruits from the country; In addition, crafts that represent the culture of Bogotá.


Los Soches Agropark

Enjoy a peaceful walk surrounded by leafy trees and songbirds, or simply sit on a bench and take in the beauty of the carefully landscaped gardens. For the more adventurous, the park offers picnic areas, playgrounds, and spaces for sports outdoors, such as soccer and volleyball.

Shopping Center - Centro Mayor

It is one of the largest shopping centers in Latin America, it has more than 230,000 square meters, distributed in a space designed so that you can find what you are looking for in its 434 commercial stores.

It is located in the southern area of ​​Bogotá, in the Villa Mayor neighborhood, on one of the main roads: Avenida NQS, south of the capital. It opened its doors in March 2010 and was recognized as the largest store in Latin America, after Leste Avicanduva, Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Mall Florida in Santiago (Chile).