
¿Quién pidió pollo?


Enjoy a place full of lights, colors, and sensations during an activity that will make you feel happy.


It is an invitation to visit and explore beautiful places in Chapinero, in the middle of the Zona G. The plan also includes a tejo experience (a traditional game) with friends and a craft beer. What a way to celebrate!


We invite you to join us for 3 hours of fun with your friends. 


Discover Bogotá on horseback


Falling in love with the Easter Hills is a unique experience for those who visit Bogotá. This time, you are invited to explore its beautiful landscapes on horseback. Located near the city, specifically via La Calera in Alto de Patios, these hills are an excellent opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy its beauty.

In this experience, we will be delighted by the sound of the wind, the birds's melodies, and the gentle presence of water in a natural setting that encourages tranquility and introspection.

Play: La Ventana Mágica, Spain - "Strawberry and Chocolate: thirty years later." Author: Senel Paz, Cuba. Performer: Joel Angelino, Cuba


In Havana's Coppelia Ice Cream Parlor, the most famous in Cuba, a friendship begins between a young communist militant and a cultured and fabulist homosexual.

Strawberry and Chocolate shows a social criticism based on the values of tolerance, diversity, and sexual freedom—an invitation to hope, to the survival of friendship, to love and solidarity.

How to get here?

Fall in love with the Eastern Hills

Falling in love with the Easter Hills is a kind of invitation to discover and explore beautiful sites near Bogotá via La Calera in the Alto de Patios.

We will find nature conservation communities that teach you to connect with it, preserve it for future generations, and recover its identity.

They invite us to be amazed, to listen to the wind, birds, and the miracle of water.

Pre Pride - LGBTI Opportunities Festival: Employment, Ventures, Social Services and Art for Equality

Discover the diversity and celebrate the equality in our next event at the biggest equality house! Join us in enjoying Nelly Burguette's musical performance and participating in events such as the Employability Route, the Entrepreneurship Fair, and the PPLGBTI Services Fair. Don't miss this unique opportunity to support inclusion while enjoying good music and positive vibes!

Phoenix Gala - Suba Pride

Cultural and artistic event held by the Local Mayor's Office of Suba in collaboration with the community organizations of this locality to make visible all those communities that fight for the same goal of reducing homophobia within the area and strengthening the cultural change in the locality.


The first Libélula Dorada Blues and Jazz Festival was launched in 1998, lasting two and a half months, as a result of a growing movement of groups of these musical genres in Bogotá. During all these years, a growing audience has been formed and qualified through different cultural initiatives.

It seeks to emphasize the importance and evolution of these musical genres in the country, as well as to foster and promote new groups that, together with those already established, allow them to show and increase their experience.