Lake of Guatavita Cacique


One of the 7 sacred lakes for the indigenous community where they celebrated a ritual of handove power of a new cacique. Because of its symbolic and spiritual charge, the lake was epicenter of payment rituals which awakened Spanish interest during colonization. Ambition and stories about the legend of El Dorado generated its unsuccessful looting. A place of contact with the Muisca cosmovision and its relationship with nature, water and its rituals.

Golden Museum


This scene began working in 1939, bringing together one of the most important pre-columbian art collection in the world (34.000 prehispanic pieces). The Muisca raft, the poporo Quimbaya and other indigenous ornament made with tumbaga and gold, allows to comprenhend the ancestral world view through goldsmithing and pottery.

Town Hall of Sesquilé


The Muisca community is still present in the territory and and welcomes the visitor stablishing contact forms with its customs, world view and tradition. An invitation to discover and enjoy the grastronomic wealth of the region.

Villa de Leyva


A splendid Boyacá town, where you can understand the
colonizing process through the architecture, the vestiges of the past and the history
of the place itself; and you will also discover the commercial, cultural and social
relationship existed between the Muiscas and the Spaniards.

Indigenous communities

Along El Dorado Legend Route, the very first contact with the Muisca universe is provided
by its own protagonists: indigenous communities. The Muiscas built a unique and fully
sensitive relationship with nature:

Ceremonial Centers

Muisca ceremonies and rituals were carried out in places full of unique features. In these
spaces they performed offerings to gods, caciques or community members were buried,
and the new cognizant and priests were instructed.
El Dorado Legend Route incorporates places that keep a deep symbolic and geographical
connection with ancient ceremonies and rituals. Based on the sky, sun, moon, and starts
observation, Muiscas predicted and determined the best times to do offerings, oblations,
sowings and harvests.


Up on the sky, the stars keep ancestral secrets. El Dorado Legend Route encloses
astronomical observatories that have remained in time to realize of Sue (The Sun), Chía
(The Moon), the stars and all those elements from Heaven in Earth.
The stars observation allowed Muiscas to establish cycles for sowing and harvest, forecast
the weather, socially organize and explain the life itself. Muisca culture edified temples and
homes aligned with sunset, dusk and some planets like Venus.


Enjoy the sacred nature, Muisca stories that illustrate the past and recall the Muisca’s skills today. Two days for making this trip, a true legendary journey. 



Find the traces of El Dorado at the Gold Museum and the Archaeological Museum of Bogota. Try ancestral flavors and play Tejo to wind up this legendary journey.