
Goddess of life, white goddess, mother of the Muisca people. She is the product of the separation of the cosmic waters (Xia: water goddess-dual divinity; Tsia: waters of the sea; Sia: terrestrial waters, rains, lagoons and rivers). She emerged from the Iguaque lagoon with a child in her arms. When that child became a man, they conceived children (between 4 and 6 children would be born in each birth) and, in this way, the earth would be populated .

Myths and legends

The traditional Muiscas stories inhabit in between mountains, lakes, and places full of a
special mysticism. El Dorado Legend Route involves sacred narrations, heroic tales, and
events that invite reflection and understanding. This journey is the best way to discover
more about Sue, Chía, Bachué, Bochica, Chiminigagua, Tundama, and more character
who speak of a past that nowadays is legend.
The genesis of all for the Muiscas laid on Chiminigagua, the supreme god, who

Tota Lake

Tota an incomparable scenery to know the ancestral purity of the Muisca territory. Its lake is located between the municipalities of Cuitiva, Tota and Aquitania, and is one of the traces of this sacred territory. Closely, it's located the Zaque Island (Isla del Zaque) or San Pedro , a mythical place to learn stories about the formation of the lake or the enigmatic legend of Busiraco.

La Chicha Museum

A scene that seeks to highlight and promote the indigenous heritage through the production and consumption of an ancestral drink "Chicha" (Facua). A space to have a historical and practical experience around the ancestral, sacred and golden seeds. The ritual includes the tasting of the four sacred beverages: chicha, zhuke, guarapo and chirrinchi.

Sáchica, Doctrinal church


The foundation square of Sáchica keeps traces of the colonizing process; temporally and conceptually, several spaces will allow you to approach and transport to this period, in order to understand the dynamics of the evangelizing process in the area.

Chorro de Quevedo


One of the icons of the city; the most popular myth says that there is where Bogotá was founded. In pre-colonial times, the place was known by the Muiscas as Thibsaquillo (land of rest in the Chibcha language) and was used as a point of reconcilation with the gods Chía (Moon) and Sue (Sun) because of its location on the slopes of the Eastern Hills (Cerros Orientales).

Sogamoso-Sun Temple


An approach to the millenary culture from the center of the Muisca spiritual power. The Sun Temple located in the Eliecer Silva Celis Archeological Museum Park, allows to recover the memory based on the most representative archeological collection of the Muisca culture at national level. This tour is complemented by a mural exhibition through the city of the sun (Sogamoso) and a visit to the monument to the race, icon and emblem of the city.

Lake of Guatavita Cacique


One of the 7 sacred lakes for the indigenous community where they celebrated a ritual of handove power of a new cacique. Because of its symbolic and spiritual charge, the lake was epicenter of payment rituals which awakened Spanish interest during colonization. Ambition and stories about the legend of El Dorado generated its unsuccessful looting. A place of contact with the Muisca cosmovision and its relationship with nature, water and its rituals.