On these vacations, enjoy learning how to create your own amplifier, theremin, and synthesizer to dive into sound experimentation and compose your own songs.

The Planetarium of Bogotá presents a musical educational offer through a theoretical-practical laboratory that will allow one to approach the historical context of electronic music through the creation of three musical devices, using basic electronic components: a sound amplifier to understand the power of sound, a theremin that allows the generation of unique sounds without physically touching it, and a synthesizer to explore the generation and modification of electronic sounds.


How to get there: 

  • By Private Vehicle: From the north of Bogotá, take Carrera 7 southbound, continue on Carrera 7 until you reach Calle 26 (Avenida El Dorado), turn right on Calle 26 and head west, take Carrera 7 northbound again towards Calle 26b #5-93, the Planetarium of Bogotá will be on your right-hand side.
  • From the south of Bogotá: Drive heading north on Carrera 7 or another main road that takes you to the north of the city, get to Calle 26 (Avenida El Dorado) and turn right looking for Carrera 7 heading north, at Calle 26b #5-93, the Bogotá Planetarium will be on your right haside. 
  • By TransMilenio: Take TransMilenio to the Museo Nacional Station; once you exit the station, walk two blocks to the west; on your left hand side, you will find the Planetarium of Bogotá.
  • By SITP: Take any SITP bus that takes you to Carrera 7. Get off at a National Museum or International Center Stop, and walk two blocks west; you will find the Planetarium of Bogotá.

More information atn: https://bogota.gov.co/que-hacer/cultura/talleres-en-vacaciones-en-planetario-de-bogota-de-22-de-junio

Photo Source: https://bogota.gov.co/que-hacer/cultura/talleres-en-vacaciones-en-planetario-de-bogota-de-22-de-junio

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Planetarium of Bogotá
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ElectroLab: Laboratory for the creation of instruments for electronic music.
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Live a musical experience at the Planetarium of Bogotá through the ElectroLab Laboratory that will allow you to create your own instruments for electronic music.
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Planetarium of Bogotá, Music, Workshops, ElectroLab, Culture
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