
A Bogotan Day: Culture, traditional food, historic walk and tejo

We will feel like real Bogotans, making a tour through several centuries that marked the capital. We will also visit some of the most beautiful areas of the capital, San Diego, Bosque Izquierdo, La Macarena, and Centro Internacional.

We will enjoy a traditional Santa Fe dish in Calle Bonita, one of the most popular gastronomic areas of Bogotá. We will end the tour by playing the ancestral Tejo game at Tejo la Embajada, accompanied by the typical pola (beer) and morcilla (blood sausage) to share. 

Professional tasting of real chocolate


In this experience, you'll learn to distinguish real chocolate from a substitute.


Then, you will experience a variety of flavors and aromas through real chocolate professional tasting, activating your five senses.


  • 60 min


  • Tasting of 8 chocolates.
  • Fruits with real chocolate.
  • Water.
  • Soda cookies.
  • Surprise.

Dignas Biografías

Celebrate the diversity of people in Bogotá with our permanent photographic exhibition, a special highlight during Pride Month.

Join us for the launch of the exhibition "Dignas Biografías: lo personal hace memoria marikona y colectiva." At this event, you can enjoy the results of two creative workshops. During these workshops, several photographs from the Museum of Bogotá collections were artistically intervened to give visibility to LGBTIQ+ bodies and the locations where they have historically taken part in collective resistance movements.


Mi cuerpo dice la verdad

Live an incredible experience from Cúcuta here in Bogotá: A tour through the Truth Commission exhibition followed by the striking play Mi cuerpo dice la verdad (My body tells the truth) presented by the group Arte-Sana y Movimiento Visibles de Cúcuta!

Explore the stories that reveal the truth and resilience, fusing art and testimony to create a powerful impact. An unmissable opportunity to connect the history and culture of the movement present in Bogotá but originating in Cúcuta!


Queer and Subversive Arts Festival

For six exciting days, you will enjoy a diverse program of dance workshops, stunning performances, art screenings, a local brand fair, and live music.

Our main goal is to create a friendly and safe environment where diverse communities can connect, share experiences, and discover new forms of expression in inclusive spaces.

How to get there?  

Original Ghost Tour through the Historic Center


Get a unique gift with our experience brought from beyond the grave and meet our ghosts of La Candelaria, Bogota's Historic Center, and its history.


Enjoy a walking tour accompanied by the ghosts of our capital's history.

Duration: 2 hours

Screaming Level: 

  • Not suitable for heart patients.
  • Suitable for children over ten years old.

Shows: Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Bogotá, live it and enjoy it

The tour includes:

  • Round trip transportation
  • Degustación de snacks en la mañana. 
  • Almuerzo típico.
  • Bebidas típicas y ancestrales.
  • Experiencia sensorial con el chocolate. 
  • Degustación de snacks snacks en la tarde.  
  • Recorridos e ingresos. 
  • Visita a locales comerciales.
  • Juegos tradicionales.
  • Guía profesional. 
  • Coordinador de grupo. 
  • Tarjeta de asistencia medica. 

**Minimum group size: 15 people