Falling in love with the Easter Hills is an invitation to visit and explore the wonderful places we find in La Candelaria. Its amazing sites and the smell of aromatic species grown in the vegetable gardens of the Botanical Garden's program "De huerta en huerta"

We will visit Monserrate and walk through La Candelaria, visiting three vegetable gardens, one of them the Quinta de Bolivar. We will also go to the Concordia Marketplace and taste exquisite dishes such as a delicious Ajiaco; then, we will go to a hostel and finish at the Condor.


  • Funicular or cable car tickets to Monserrate.
  • Hydration with a thermos bottle.
  • Entrance to Quinta de Bolivar and 2 other vegetable gardens with recreational experience.
  • Walking bag and raincoat.
  • Refreshments, lunch and coffee.
  • Certified tour guide.
  • Hiking insurance.


Meeting Point: Entrance to Monserrate

Days of tour: According to the schedule


Duration: 6 hours.


Groups from 8 to 18 people.


Recommendations: Just wear comfortable clothes, a waterproof jacket, walking shoes, and your cap.

Calle 62 No 3 a - 26
Descripción corta
From the heights, we make out the greenery of the gardens existing in La Candelaria.
Empresa relacionada
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De huerta en huerta desde Monserrate
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¿Oferta pertenece a Ruta leyenda el dorado?
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Cantidad actual (No modificar)
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Porcentaje de descuento
Segmento relacionado
De huerta en huerta desde Monserrate
Precio antes
Imagen galería 1
De huerta en huerta desde Monserrate
Imagen galería 2
De huerta en huerta desde Monserrate
Imagen galería 3
De huerta en huerta desde Monserrate
Imagen galería 4
De huerta en huerta desde Monserrate
Imagen galería 5
De huerta en huerta desde Monserrate
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Oferta Visible en Plan Bogotá
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Título SEO
From vegetable garden to vegetable garden starting at Monserrate
Imagen SEO
Puebliando se vive la naturaleza
Descripción SEO
From the heights, we make out the greenery of the gardens in La Candelaria.
Palabras clave SEO
Urban vegetable gardens, Nature Tourism, Nature in Bogotá, Gardens of La Candelaria, Monserrate Hill, Food security.
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