Join the launch of RDLGBTI! Find out how to be part of this inclusive initiative that provides access to services for the LGBTI community. 

Participate in the RDLGBTI presentation, show the ticket, and check key information. Learn how to get access to the RDLGBTI CARD and connect with institutional roundtables that offer services in areas such as Social Integration, Economic Development, Education, and more. 

It is addressed to LGBTI people, organizations, and institutional managers. Don't miss this opportunity to join the LGBTI public policy!

Fecha de inicio
Planetarium of Bogotá
planetario bogotá
Imagen Fondo
planetario bogotá
Título SEO
Launch of the LGBTI District Record
Descripción SEO
Participate in the RDLGBTI presentation, show the ticket, and check key information. Learn how to get access to the RDLGBTI CARD and connect with institutional roundtables that offer services in areas such as Social Integration, Economic Development, Education, and more. 
Palabras clave SEO
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Imagen Listado
planetario bogotá
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Categoría Evento
Agenda de Evento
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Evento del distrito