The Gala of Recognition Award for Inclusive and Diverse Tourism in Bogotá is a joint initiative of Theatron and the Tourism Office of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá.

This event aims to acknowledge and highlight establishments and organizations that have worked hard to make Bogotá a welcoming destination for all, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. Under the slogan, Bogotá es de todes (Bogotá is for everyone), we celebrate these efforts that not only strengthen the city's commitment to inclusive tourism but also send a powerful message to the world: Bogotá is a city that embraces diversity and creates safe and respectful spaces for all its visitors. 

This gala is a chance to thank and encourage those who lead by example, fostering a tourism environment on a truly inclusive and diverse level because, in Bogotá, you can be.

Free admission with previous registration at the following link:

Fecha de inicio
Theatron - Calle 58 No. 10-18
Gran Gala Bogotá es de todes
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Gran Gala Bogotá es de todes
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Grand Gala: Bogotá es de todes
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The Gala of Recognition Award for Inclusive and Diverse Tourism in Bogotá is a joint initiative of Theatron and the Tourism Office of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá.
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lgtbi,bogota,pride,lgtbi marches
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Gran Gala Bogotá es de todes
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