Live an incredible experience from Cúcuta here in Bogotá: A tour through the Truth Commission exhibition followed by the striking play Mi cuerpo dice la verdad (My body tells the truth) presented by the group Arte-Sana y Movimiento Visibles de Cúcuta!

Explore the stories that reveal the truth and resilience, fusing art and testimony to create a powerful impact. An unmissable opportunity to connect the history and culture of the movement present in Bogotá but originating in Cúcuta!


How to get there?

  • The event will take place at the Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center, located at Calle 26 # 5 - 93. It is easily accessible by TransMilenio, getting off at the Centro Memoria Station (K Line).
  • For those who prefer to take private vehicle, this location is accessible from Carrera 7 or Avenida El Dorado, turning onto Calle 26.
Fecha de inicio
Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center
Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación
Imagen Fondo
Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación
Título SEO
Mi cuerpo dice la verdad
Descripción SEO
A tour through the Truth Commission exhibition followed by the play Mi cuerpo dice la verdad (My body tells the truth) presented by the group Arte-Sana y Movimiento Visibles de Cúcuta.
Palabras clave SEO
lgtbi,bogota,pride, lgtbi marches
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Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación
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