For six exciting days, you will enjoy a diverse program of dance workshops, stunning performances, art screenings, a local brand fair, and live music.

Our main goal is to create a friendly and safe environment where diverse communities can connect, share experiences, and discover new forms of expression in inclusive spaces.

How to get there?  

  • Private car: From the north, drive south on Carrera 7. Turn right on Calle 12C and continue to Carrera 5.
  • From the south: Drive north on Carrera 10, turn left on Calle 12C, and continue to Carrera 5.
  • There are parking spaces available near Espacio Odeón, on Carrera 5, and adjacent streets.
  • TransMilenio: Take TransMilenio along the J Line to the Museo del Oro (Gold Museum) Station. Leave the station and walk south on Carrera 7 to Calle 12C, then turn right and continue until you arrive at Carrera 5..
  • SITP: Take the SITP to Carrera 5 or Carrera 4. From there, walk west on Calle 13 to Carrera 5 and then continue to Calle 12C.


Fecha de inicio
Espacio Odeón
teatro odeón
Imagen Fondo
Festival de Artes Queer y Subversivas
Título SEO
Queer and Subversive Arts Festival
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Join us for a spectacular gathering that celebrates diversity and creativity in the LGBTIQ+ community in a cultural space in La Candelaria.
Palabras clave SEO
lgtbi,bogota,pride, lgtbi marches
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Festival de Artes Queer y Subversivas
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