Falling in love with the Easter Hills is a unique experience for those who visit Bogotá. This time, you are invited to explore its beautiful landscapes on horseback. Located near the city, specifically via La Calera in Alto de Patios, these hills are an excellent opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy its beauty.

In this experience, we will be delighted by the sound of the wind, the birds's melodies, and the gentle presence of water in a natural setting that encourages tranquility and introspection.

These trails are certified, and local experts will guide us on exciting horseback rides to the San Rafael Reservoir, starting from Alto de Patios.


  • Hydration: bring a thermos bottle for drinks.
  • Hiking bag - a raincoat.
  • Snacks, lunch, and coffee.
  • Certified tour guide.
  • Hiking and horseback riding activities insurance.

Not included:

  • Round-trip transportation.

Meeting Point:

  • Calle 72 with Carrera.7 at the CAI - In front of Our Lady of Pillar Church.

Departure Time: 

  • 8:30 a.m., llegar media hora antes para entregar material.


Day of tours:

  • Every weekday, Monday through Sunday.

Duration: 4 hours

Groups of 12 people.


Recommendations: Just wear comfortable clothes, a waterproof jacket, walking shoes, and your cap. 

We offer horseback riding activities in Tabio, Tobia, and Chinauta for one day, two days, or one night. Make your reservation with us.

Calle 62 No 3 a - 26
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Feel the fresh air, experience freedom, and connect with nature by going on a horseback ride in Bogotá.
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Horseback Riding in Bogotá
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Conoce Bogotá a caballo
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We will discover certified trails accompanied by local experts. We will take horseback rides for an hour to the San Rafael Reservoir, starting from Alto de Patios.
Palabras clave SEO
Nature in Bogotá, Horseback riding in Bogotá, Recreational activity, Bogotá, San Rafael Reservoir, La Calera, Bogotá Savannah Plans.
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