Crafts are elements that keep the tradition and ancestral culture of the communities alive. In Bogotá there is a mythical setting where you can appreciate the craftsmanship in detail: genuine replicas, original pieces and very typical objects of the city and the country, it is Pasaje Rivas.

For 126 years, the largest craft exhibition in the city has been held at Pasaje Rivas. There are extraordinary objects that will leave you amazed as they are a direct witness of national history, a cultural jewel that you should know in Bogotá that you can find in the race. 10 with 10th Street, in the heart of Bogotá.

The construction of Pasaje Rivas was promoted in 1893 by Luis G. Rivas who structured it with the purpose of Bogotá having a Parisian-style commercial epicenter, becoming known as the first commercial center in the capital. The initial intention was to market products on fine shelves in Pasaje Rivas that would attract the upper class of Bogotá; However, this did not happen due to the sanitary handling of animals and food at that time, and it then became a warehouse in some market places.

For 25 years, Pasaje Rivas has had a declaration of architectural conservation and today it is appreciated as one of the oldest markets in Bogotá. There you will find all kinds of objects representative of Colombian culture such as native games: the yo-yo, the frog , shuffleboard, wooden tops, wooden horses, foosballs, children's boards and ABC suitcases. You will also find a variety of handicrafts such as hammocks from San Jacinto, Wayuu and Arhuaco backpacks, baskets, blowguns, Antioqueño carts, Aguadeño hats from Caldas, and even black pottery from La Chamba, Tolima.

Browsing around you will surely find decorative items for the home: handmade jewelry, business furniture and particular objects such as bassinets for babies, wooden Bible holders, barbecue grills, wooden furniture, all at a very good price, because in Pasaje de Rivas there are no middlemen . Hundreds of artisans, including farmers and artists, are in charge, today, of preserving the memory and culture of this iconic artisan center of Bogotá.


Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
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Pasaje Rivas
Cra. 10 #No. 10 – 54, Bogotá.
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Pasaje Rivas Bogotá
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Las artesanías son elementos que mantienen viva la tradición y la cultura ancestral de las comunidades. En Bogotá hay un mítico escenario en el que podrás apreciar con detalle el trabajo artesanal: réplicas genuinas, piezas originales y objetos muy típicos de la ciudad y el país, se trata del Pasaje Rivas.
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Pasaje Rivas de Bogotá
miniaturas Galeria
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
Pasaje Rivas
¿Atractivo pertenece a Ruta leyenda dorado?
From 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Sunday to Sunday.
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