A parish that was born after the demolition of the temple of Santa Inés in the center of the capital, from which it inherited all its works and religious art. After the purchase of a lot on Carrera 28 and Calle 39 in 1954, its construction began and culminated in 1959, later becoming a reference of faith and the home of our Lord of Miracles. 

It is a beautiful emblematic Catholic temple founded in the twentieth century, this sacred place has witnessed numerous masses followed every day, with thousands of parishioners asking and giving thanks for the miracles received. It stands out for its imposing façade adorned with Gothic details and its tall towers that rise towards the sky. Inside, visitors find an atmosphere of peace and devotion, decorated with beautiful stained glass windows and religious works. The parish offers a variety of religious services, such as masses, baptisms, weddings and special events, and also engages with the community through social programs and educational activities. Its central location makes it a meeting point for worshippers and visitors seeking spiritual inspiration and architectural beauty in the bustling Colombian capital.

Parroquia de San Alfonso María de Ligorio en Bogotá
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Parroquia de San Alfonso María de Ligorio en Bogotá
Carrera. 28 # 39-27, Bogotá.
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Parroquia de San Alfonso María de Ligorio en Bogotá
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Una parroquia que nace tras la demolición del templo de Santa Ana en el centro de la Capital, de la cual heredó todos sus obras y arte religioso. Tras la compra de un lote en la carrera 28 con calle 39 en 1954, se inició su construcción que culminó en 1959, para luego convertirse en un referente de Fe y el hogar de nuestro señor de los milagros.
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Parroquia de San Alfonso María de Ligorio en Bogotá
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Parroquia de San Alfonso María de Ligorio en Bogotá
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Monday through Saturday from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. / continuous workday
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