This unique experience will take you through the Savannah region.

Stop 1

La Calera: We will begin our journey in the lovely town of La Calera, famous for its stunning mountain scenery and delicious cuisine. There, you can enjoy panoramic views and explore the cobblestone streets.

Stop 2

We will head to Sopó, a picturesque town known for its farmer's market and cozy atmosphere.

Stop 3

Guatavita: You will learn about the El Dorado legend and explore this fascinating town that played a crucial role in pre-Columbian history. We will continue exploring the colonial architecture and enjoying the local gastronomy.

Stop 4

Cajicá will take us back in time with its well-preserved colonial architecture.

Stop 5 

Chía: Our last destination with a combination of ancient and modern. You will visit the Church of Santa Maria and stroll through the Main Square.


Trip Details

Duration: 12 hours 

Meals and activities. 
Discover the history, culture, and natural beauty of the Savannah. 
Small group tour with expert guide. 
Comfortable and safe transportation throughout the tour.

Desde y al lugar de alojamiento
Descripción corta
Discover the Savannah Route: La Calera, Sopo, Guatavita, and more. An unforgettable journey through the Savannah's treasures.
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Savannah Route
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Savannah Route
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Savannah Route
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Savannah Route
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Savannah Route
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Bogota Tourist Experiences: Savannah Route - Visit Bogota Official Site
Descripción SEO
Explore the enchanting Savannah Route of Bogotá on your next holiday. From picturesque landscapes to unique local culture, rich history, and delectable cuisine, our guide offers you the best way to savor the authentic Bogotá experience. Dive into the magic of Bogotá now.
Palabras clave SEO
Bogota tourism, Savannah Route, Colombia travel guide, Bogota experiences, Visit Bogota attractions