Punto Clave restaurant is located in the 12 de Octubre Marketplace (Barrios Unidos locality). This establishment or piqueteadero stands out for its native recipe of the fritanga cundiboyacense, made with a variety of typical products such as blood sausage, longaniza, pork, chicken, yellow potato and slices of ripe plantain. This dish has participated in renowned gastronomic events such as Fritanga Fest, PorkColombia, and Food Network.


Punto Clave restaurant is located in the 12 de Octubre Marketplace (Barrios Unidos locality). This establishment or piqueteadero stands out for its native recipe of the fritanga cundiboyacense, made with a variety of typical products such as blood sausage, longaniza, pork, chicken, yellow potato and slices of ripe plantain. This dish has participated in renowned gastronomic events such as Fritanga Fest, PorkColombia, and Food Network.


Punto Clave
Punto Clave
Punto Clave
Punto Clave
Punto Clave
Carrera 51 No 72-14
+57 3013576444
Punto Clave
Localidad Relacionada
Zona de la ciudad
Categoria Restaurante
Rango de precios
Plaza de interés turístico
Zona Gastronómica relacionada
Imagen SEO
restaurante Punto Clave
Descripción SEO
Punto Clave restaurant is located in the 12 de Octubre Marketplace.
Palabras clave SEO
Punto Clave Restaurant, 12 de Octubre Marketplace, Marketplace, Marketplaces of Bogotá, Colombian food in Bogotá
Título SEO
Punto Clave Restaurant: how to get there and what to eat