Located in the Bolivar Square, its official name is Metropolitan Basilica of Bogota - Primatial Cathedral of Colombia. It was recognized with the honorary title of Primate of Colombia by Pope Leo XIII, through the Decree of the Consistorial Congregation of November 7, 1902. It also received the title of Basilica (May 25, 1907). It has 4 chapels:

Chapel of St. Joseph. Built in 1590, it is the oldest chapel of the Cathedral. The altar is Ionic and preserves a statue of Our Lady of Mercy.

Chapel of Santa Isabel de Hungría. Here lie the remains of the founder of the city, Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, and other illustrious figures of the city.

Chapel of the Sagrario. It is part of the Cathedral, but its building is independent. It worships the Blessed Sacrament and is one of the most visited during Holy Week. Hours Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. Saturdays: 10:00 a.m.

Chapel of Nuestra Señora del Topo. A 16th century oil painting pays homage to the Virgin in a space that has its own choir and organ.

Catedral Primada de Colombia
Catedral Primada de Colombia
Catedral Primada de Colombia
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Catedral Primada de Colombia
Carrera 7 # 10 - 40, Bogotá.
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Catedral Primada Bogotá, Turismo Religioso Colombia, Atracciones Bogotá, Visitas Guiadas Catedral Primada, Patrimonio Histórico Colombia
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Ubicada en la plaza de Bolívar, su nombre oficial es Basílica Metropolitana de Bogotá Catedral Primada de Colombia. fue reconocida con el título honorífico de Primada de Colombia por el papa León XIII, a través del Decreto de la Congregación Consistorial del 7 de noviembre de 1902. Recibió además el título de Basílica (25 de mayo de 1907). Cuenta con 4 capillas: 
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Monday to Saturday: 12:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
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