Aparece en el home?

The Chingaza Paramo and the Water Route

A journey to experience the feeling of being in a paramo and an Andean forest. Explore two routes of the Chingaza National Natural Park with expert local guides.

Lakes, creeks, rivers, frailejones, and with some luck, deer and bears are some of the protagonists that you will see in this natural tour.

Enjoy your visit to Bogota and escape for a full day to one of the paramos that provide its inhabitants with this essential liquid.


Los Nevados Viewpoint Park

Take a tour of the Los Nevados Viewpoint Park; if the weather conditions allow it, you can observe the Nevado del Tolima volcano, the Nevado del Cisne volcano, the Nevado del Ruiz, and the Nevado de Santa Isabel volcanos located in the Central Mountain Range of the Colombian Andes.

A camping workshop is also available to integrate with nature.

Ask for private plans on any date.

Departures all year round.

Sierra Morena Viewpoint

We will have a guided tour with an assistance car to the Sierra Morena Viewpoint, where we will have the chance to admire another perspective of Bogota.

It includes a mini-workshop on handling and basic maintenance of your bike and techniques of ascent and descent.

Ask for private plans on any date. Departures all year round.

Manuelita Farm Tour

We will take a 4 to 5-hour tour where we will appreciate the green area in the conservation of Bogotá on behalf of peasants who resist the urbanization of their ancestral lands, emphasizing the importance of these spaces for the city's oxygen, with a delicious snack to recharge your batteries.

Ask for private plans on any date.

Departures all year round.

Umbral Horizontes Reserve Adventure

Join us in learning about the Umbral Horizonte Reserve and its important environmental initiative for the city. You will learn recycling and ecological care techniques, and we will enjoy a picnic with a light snack and a breathtaking view of Bogota.

Ask for private plans on any date.

Departures all year round.

Let's go to the cavern

Soft walk interpretative tour of 1 hour and 30 minutes. Then, we will arrive at the paramo, in where we will enter a cavern, and after leaving, we will take a 30 minute walk back.

Once you complete your registration, each participant will receive an email with the meeting point, time and specific recommendations. For this activity you can arrive in your own vehicle or by intermunicipal transportation. 


Let's fly

Take a 15-minute paragliding flight over the Bogotá Savannah.

Duration of program: 7 hours.

Beginning of tour: private car at a designated location (north of the city), temperature taking, biosafety kit delivery, transfer to a place in the Bogotá savannah.


Paragliding flight duration: 15 minutes approx.

Lunch (3 options) booking table (max 15 min) decoration and message.

Attendance card surprise gift.

Biosafety kit and private transportation.


Reservations with 8 days in advance.


Dive into history and culture: Guatavita Lake & Salt Cathedral Tour

This is undoubtedly one of the best tourist attraction combinations near Bogotá. The day begins with a visit to the Guatavita Lake, known as the place where the Muiscas made the ritual that originated the El Dorado legend. This place has a stunning beauty that you can only understand by visiting it. Afterward, we cross the savannah to arrive at the Zipaquirá municipality. Here, you will visit the first wonder of Colombia, the Salt Cathedral, a place you should not miss when you come to Colombia.

From the Paramo to the Plains, the big stage

Get -20% off for your group of 3 people.

It is an experience that will take you from the altitude of the Chingaza Paramo to the plains of Cundinamarca.

Choose your challenge!

MTB 70K Marathon

Ultra MTB 99K

Ride through stunning scenery with slopes of 3,500 meters and altitudes from 3.003 to 3.703 meters while experiencing a cold climate that will challenge your limits.


- Admission to the majestic Chingaza National Park.

- Nourishing lunch to recharge your energy.

- Accident insurance for your safety.