One of the 7 sacred lakes for the indigenous community where they celebrated a ritual of handove power of a new cacique. Because of its symbolic and spiritual charge, the lake was epicenter of payment rituals which awakened Spanish interest during colonization. Ambition and stories about the legend of El Dorado generated its unsuccessful looting. A place of contact with the Muisca cosmovision and its relationship with nature, water and its rituals.

Descripción corta
One of the 7 sacred lakes for the indigenous community where they celebrated a ritual of handove power of a new cacique. Because of its symbolic and spiritual charge, the lake was epicenter of payment rituals which awakened Spanish interest during colonization. Ambition and stories about the legend of El Dorado generated its unsuccessful looting.
A place of contact with the Muisca cosmovision and its relationship with nature, water and its rituals.

Foto del atractivo
Laguna del Cacique Guatavita