One of the icons of the city; the most popular myth says that there is where Bogotá was founded. In pre-colonial times, the place was known by the Muiscas as Thibsaquillo (land of rest in the Chibcha language) and was used as a point of reconcilation with the gods Chía (Moon) and Sue (Sun) because of its location on the slopes of the Eastern Hills (Cerros Orientales).

Descripción corta
One of the icons of the city; the most popular myth says that there is where Bogotá was founded. In pre-colonial times, the place was known by the Muiscas as Thibsaquillo (land of rest in the Chibcha language) and was used as a point of reconcilation with the gods Chía (Moon) and Sue (Sun) because of its location on the slopes of the Eastern Hills (Cerros Orientales).

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chorro de quevedo