Enjoy the sacred nature, Muisca stories that illustrate the past and recall the Muisca’s skills today. Two days for making this trip, a true legendary journey. 


Subtítulo Experiencia
Cundinamarca - Boyacá - 2 days
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universo muisca ruta leyenda el dorado
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universo muisca ruta leyenda el dorado
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Enjoy the sacred nature, Muisca stories that illustrate the past and recall the Muisca’s skills today. Two days for making this trip, a true legendary journey.
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Nombres de atractivos
gastronomic experience
Sun Temple
Bochica Cave-Cacique Stone
Bochica Monument
White Beach-Tota Lake-Zaque Island-Busiraco Legend
Ubicaciones atractivos
Descripciones atractivos

An opportunity to get in touch with the territory protected and guided by the greatest goddess of the night: the moon (Chia for the Muisca people). A place to learn first-hand about the Muisca world view; in addition, you will recognize the value and meaning of the moon as essence and influence in the ancestral gastronomy.


An approach to the millenary culture from the center of the Muisca spiritual power. The Sun Temple located in the Eliecer Silva Celis Archeological Museum Park, allows to recover the memory based on the most representative archeological collection of the Muisca culture at national level. This tour is complemented by a mural exhibition through the city of the sun (Sogamoso) and a visit to the monument to the race, icon and emblem of the city.


It is said that Iza was the last dwelling of Bochica (civilizing god of the Muisca people) who chose the highlands to the east of this town to end his days. Before disappearing, Bochica left his footprint in the called Cacique Stone (Piedra del Cacique). Iza is a charming town full of history, which preserves its architectural heritage, the original indigenous layout and an authentic natural environment (Valle de los Sauces) that have earned it the declaration as a Colombian Heritage Town.



A monument full of details and with a deep ancestral meaning, located in the central park of the Cuitiva municipality. Through this work, the sculptor Delfín Ibáñez describes the life and work of the civilizing god of the Muisca culture. An opportunity to appropriate knowledge, know stories and learn about the legacy that inhabits this sacred territory.


Tota an incomparable scenery to know the ancestral purity of the Muisca territory. Its lake is located between the municipalities of Cuitiva, Tota and Aquitania, and is one of the traces of this sacred territory. Closely, it's located the Zaque Island (Isla del Zaque) or San Pedro , a mythical place to learn stories about the formation of the lake or the enigmatic legend of Busiraco.