Let yourself go by the natural mysticism lived by the Muiscas and relive their customs. In the Guatavita lake, the Salt Mine of Nemocón and Sesquilé, you will feel the magic of yesteryear.

Subtítulo Experiencia
Bogotá - Cundinamarca - 1 day
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Oro Blanco, agua verde
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Oro Blanco, agua verde
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Let yourself go by the natural mysticism lived by the Muiscas and relive their customs. In the Guatavita lake, the Salt Mine of Nemocón and Sesquilé, you will feel the magic of yesteryear.
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Nombres de atractivos
Lake of Guatavita Cacique
Town Hall of Sesquilé
Salt Mine of Nemocón
Chía gastronomic experience
Ubicaciones atractivos
Descripciones atractivos


One of the 7 sacred lakes for the indigenous community where they celebrated a ritual of handove power of a new cacique. Because of its symbolic and spiritual charge, the lake was epicenter of payment rituals which awakened Spanish interest during colonization. Ambition and stories about the legend of El Dorado generated its unsuccessful looting. A place of contact with the Muisca cosmovision and its relationship with nature, water and its rituals.


The Muisca community is still present in the territory and and welcomes the visitor stablishing contact forms with its customs, world view and tradition. An invitation to discover and enjoy the grastronomic wealth of the region.

A scene to recognize the salt value (considered white gold) for the Musica people. The salt was the most important form of bater fror the indigenous people; one of the most important elements for their society. A plaf oc direct contact with that mineral: its evolve, its extraction and its conception from the aboriginal peoples to the present day.


An opportunity to get in touch with the territory protected and guided by the greatest goddess of the night: the moon (Chia for the Muisca people). A place to learn first-hand about the Muisca world view; in addition, you will recognize the value and meaning of the moon as essence and influence in the ancestral gastronomy.