Pilgrimage to the Primatial Cathedral of Colombia to grow in hope

The main Archdiocesan Jubilee temple is the Primatial Cathedral of Bogotá—San Pedro, located in Bolívar Square in the city's center. The cathedral's historical, artistic, and spiritual richness are other reasons to visit.

It is worth remembering that the Jubilee of Hope, proclaimed by Pope Francis for this year, carries the motto 'Pilgrims of Hope.' The main purpose of this Jubilee is to foster a sense of hope amid the world's pressing challenges, including wars, social crises, and the effects of climate change, among others. It aims to serve as a sign of renewal, helping to restore a climate of hope and trust, which is vital and urgent in these times.

Primatial Cathedral - OAC Archive

The Jubilee calls us to set out on a journey  

What does it mean to make a pilgrimage? As we move, we don't just change locations; we transform ourselves. That is why it is important to prepare, plan the journey, and understand the goal. The pilgrimage that defines this year’s experience begins even before we set out—the starting point is the decision to embark on the journey.

A pilgrimage is an opportunity for conversion—a chance to change our lives and orient ourselves toward the holiness of God. Through this experience, we also connect with the part of humanity that, for various reasons, is compelled to journey in search of a better life for themselves and their families.

"The very physical act of entering the Cathedral becomes a source of grace. The Holy Year is essential for obtaining this grace or plenary indulgence. The two Eucharists celebrated on Sunday in the Primatial Cathedral at 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. are held with the intention of receiving the grace of the Jubilee," stated Monsignor Pulido, parish priest of the Primate Cathedral.

Primatial Cathedral - OAC Archive

The Jubilee: A sign of Reconciliation

A significant aspect of the Jubilee celebration is the sacrament of reconciliation. This is an opportunity to rediscover the importance of Confession and personally receive God's forgiveness

To facilitate this, the Cathedral of Bogotá will offer the faithful the oppotunity to celebrate this sacrament individually every Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon throughout the Jubilee Year 2025

Additionally, pilgrims can receive the grace of Confession on the designated days for parish pilgrimages to the Cathedral, as permitted under the archpriest's jurisdiction. A calendar with these specific dates is available on the website of the Archdiocese of Bogotá: www.arquibogota.org.co

All groups, institutions, and individuals wishing to pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Bogotá are welcome. For more information, please visit the Cathedral's website catedral.arquibogota.org.co

Primatial Cathedral - OAC Archive

The following are the official pilgrimage temples for the Jubilee of Hope within the archdiocesan territory:

  • Sanctuary of the Lord of Monserrate, Carrera 2 Este # 21-48, Monserrate Hill, Bogotá.
  • Sanctuary of Our Lady of La Peña, Cra. 7 a Bis Este # 7ª-50.
  • Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes, Cra. 13 # 63-27.
  • Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, Cra. 13# 51-38.
  • Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Cáqueza, Avenida Carrera 4 # 2-39. Cáqueza-Cundinamarca.
  • Saint Mary of Hope Parish, Cra. 1B Este # 75-26 Sur.
  • Child Jesus Parish – 20 de Julio, Cra. 5A # 28A-18 Sur
  • Saint John of Ávila Parish, Cra. 18 # 136-36 (In the north of the city).

Monsignor Sergio Raúl Pulido Gutiérrez, parish priest of the Catedral Primada de Colombia, extends this invitation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVFuh2hC0L0&t=2s 

Source: OAC - Archdiocesan Communications Office

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Pilgrimage to the Primatial Cathedral of Colombia to grow in hope
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The Archdiocese of Bogotá has prepared 9 parishes for pilgrimages during the Jubilee of this Holy Year 2025.

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Experience the rich traditions of Holy Week. The Archdiocese of Bogotá has prepared 9 parishes for pilgrimages during the Jubilee of this Holy Year 2025.
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Pilgrimage to the Primatial Cathedral of Colombia to grow in hope
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Peregrinar a la Catedral Primada de Colombia para crecer en la Esperanza
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