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Texto Área de la sala más grande requerida
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Texto Sala más grande
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Texto ¿Planeando una reunión?
Planning a meeting?
Texto Conoce Bogotá
Why Bogotá?
Texto Aeropuerto el Dorado
El Dorado airport
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Success stories
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Texto "Resultados busqueda" Locaciones
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Texto "Resultados busqueda" Proveedores
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Traducción "Incentivos"
Texto "Certificaciones"
Texto "Selecciona un salón para ver su información"
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Texto "Distribuciones disponibles"
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Banner Por que bta
why bogota
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Título para info Bureau
Greater Bogota Convention Bureau
Descripción para info Bureau
Bogotá is the ideal destination to make every event a total success. Find general information on how to organize your event, guidance on how to set up the operation and assistance to help you decide to invest in the city. As a public-private partnership between the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá and the Government of Bogotá, the Convention Bureau is the best ally for event organizers to hold successful, memorable, safe and sustainable meetings in the destination.
Click here for more information.
Texto botón Bureau
Greater Bogota Convention Bureau
Texto "¿Por qué Bogotá?"
Why Bogotá?
texto "Encuentra Proveedores"
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texto "Convenciones"
Texto "Panta/Tarima"
Texto "Sillas"
Texto "Mesas"
Texto "Área m2"
Area ### m2
Texto "Limpiar Filtros"
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Texto "Encuentra la locacion para tu evento"
Find the location for your event
Texto "Tipo de locación"
Location type
Textos "Aforos"
Capacity of your event in auditorium
Capacity of your event in classroom
Capacity of your event in banquet
Capacity for your event in Coctel
Capacity of your event in U
Texto "Zona de la ciudad"
City area
Texto "¿Cómo llegar?"
How to get there?
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texto "Similares"
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Texto "Hasta # personas"
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